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About newCHOIR



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Founded in 2012, newChoir is a medium-sized ensemble which performs a wide repertoire of music from early music to works by 20th and 21st century composers.  The selection of music for each concert often includes lesser-known pieces alongside established classics.


We give three concerts a year and run an annual choral workshop open to non-members. Concert venues have included SJE Arts, St Michael at the North Gate (Cornmarket), St Michael and All Angels (Summertown), and various Oxford colleges.


We aim for a high standard of music-making and place an emphasis on constant improvement and development, both individual and collective. We provide excellent musical direction, vocal coaching, and well-planned rehearsals. We limit choir numbers to around 40 to increase individual responsibility and to work on creating a well-blended ‘chamber’ sound.

During rehearsals, our musical director gives us the opportunity to explore different styles and periods of choral music and works on improving our vocal technique, listening skills, ensemble singing, and clear expression.
The aim is to give both singers and audience a fresh and revitalising experience.

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